Member Benefits

Professional Development seminars

The COOP’s Special Education Leader Development Series is comprised of four different thematic units designed to address the major roles and responsibilities of special education coordinators and other leaders in special education at the charter school and network/management organization level. COOP Members may elect to participate in any or all of the units, either piecemeal or in their entirety. The units include:

  • Case Management and Policy: Special Education Fundamentals
  • Management and Coaching: Special Education Leadership
  • Behavior, Language, and Communication: Supporting Students with Unique Needs
  • Funding and Support: Promoting Financial Sustainability.

Technical Assistance

The COOP is here to help. We can assist you with drafting a Special Education handbook or clarifying retention& promotion policies for students with disabilities and everything in-between. All you have to do is email us your question to We will respond within 24-48 hours.

School Reviews

The COOP will visit your school and provide feedback on the current state of special education services and programs, ranging from files to student achievement to instruction.

Resource Expo

In an effort to keep our members abreast of the new and innovative tools, practices, and procedures, we host an annual Resource Expo. The Resource Expo is designed to be a “One-Stop Shop” for Special Education leaders.

Download the membership application by clicking here.